Ebook The Myth of the Oil Crisis: Overcoming the Challenges of Depletion, Geopolitics, and Global Warming, by Robin M. Mills
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The Myth of the Oil Crisis: Overcoming the Challenges of Depletion, Geopolitics, and Global Warming, by Robin M. Mills

Ebook The Myth of the Oil Crisis: Overcoming the Challenges of Depletion, Geopolitics, and Global Warming, by Robin M. Mills
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With oil around $100 a barrel, drivers wince whenever they pull into the gas station and businesses watch their bottom lines shrink. Watch out, say doomsayers, it will only get worse as oil dries up. It's a plausible argument, especially considering the rate at which countries like China and India are now sucking up oil. Even more troubling, the world's largest oil fields sit in geopolitical hotspots like Iran and Iraq. Some believe their nations need to secure remaining supplies using military force, while others consider dwindling supplies a blessing that will help solve the problem of global warming. But wait―is it really the end of oil? Absolutely not, says geologist, economist, and industry-insider Robin Mills.
There is no other book by an industry insider that effectively counters the peak oil theory by showing where and how oil will be found in the future. There also is no other book by an insider that lays out an environmentally and geopolitically responsible path for the petroleum industry and its customers. The Myth of the Oil Crisis, written in a lively style but with scientific rigor, is thus a uniquely useful resource for business leaders, policymakers, petroleum industry professionals, environmentalists, and anyone else who consumes oil. Best of all, it offers an abundance of one commodity now in short supply: hope for the future.
- Sales Rank: #3789644 in Books
- Published on: 2008-08-30
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.30" h x 1.30" w x 6.30" l, 1.45 pounds
- Binding: Hardcover
- 336 pages
"Geologist, economist, and petroleum industry insider Mills makes an intelligent case for oil's continuing role as a major, growing energy source. A Herculean task, one would think, given public sentiment on the matter. Mills manages it by first neatly dividing opposing viewpoints into five camps: geologists (those who espouse peak oil theory), economists (the markets will work it out), militarists (use power to secure energy supplies), environmentalists (fossil fuels: no), and no-Luddites (fossil fuels, consumption, and materialism: no). He then conquers their positions with lively, exhaustive sourced arguments to say that there may be more conventional oil than reported, colossal unconventional sources, and plentiful energy substitutes. Mills shows deep understanding of the complexity of the issue, and while promising no easy fixes, he is yet hopeful: gloomy predictions do not resemble the real world and take no account of human integrity." - Library Journal, Starred Review
"A debate is currently raging among geologists and economists over whether global oil production has peaked. One school of thought, buttressed by mathematical models and some empirical evidence, argues that the peak production of conventional oil occurred sometime over the last two decades. Kenneth Deffeyes' treatise is the classic statement of this position, and Matthew Simmons' application of the argument to recent Saudi production has attracted much attention. Contrarians argue that the peak-oil theorists may be right -- eventually -- but that the relative lack of new oil discoveries owes far more to underinvestment and geopolitics than to geology. Technological breakthroughs in extracting hydrocarbon from shale and deep water, they note, may be pushing out the time when peak oil might hit. Robin Mills offers a solid version of the contrarian case." Reviewed with: Hubbert's Peak: The Impending World Oil Shortage. By Kenneth S. Deffeyes. Princeton University Press, 2001. Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy. By Matthew R. Simmons. John Wiley, 2005. - Foreign Affairs
"Robin Mills's The Myth of the Oil Crisis is an intellectual nail in the coffin of the peak oil lobby's claims for the end of oil. There is no such drama, as this in-depth analysis demonstrates with empirical lucidity, wide-ranging discourse, and persuasive argument to demolish these modern mythologies and proclaimed wisdoms about our world oil future." (Duncan Clarke, Author of Empires Of Oil and The Battle For Barrels)
"Robin Mills's book, The Myth of the Oil Crisis, is a very welcome and intellectual insight into the role of oil and gas in our future societies. It demonstrates with very clear and well-informed arguments why the theory of Peak Oil is invalid and based on an incomplete set of assumptions. Mills book is well balanced in its mix of industry insight, world politics, and humanitarian interest and anyone with a keen interest in world energy should read it!" (Dr Simon Vroemen, Vice President Portfolio Management, RWE-DEA)
"Robin Millis's The Myth of the Oil Crisis is one of the most insightful books on debunking peak oil theory. With deep industry knowledge, persuasive arguments and some of the best quantitative analysis, his book demonstrates that Peak Oil Theory is a hot air balloon with more PR mileage than real insights. His comprehensive view of green energy includes 'green hydrocarbons'; acknowledging hydrocarbons will continue to play a key role in meeting increasing energy demand across the world. This is a must-read for anybody concerned with energy and environmental issues." (William Zhao, CEO, Gaia Carbon Control Systems)
About the Author
Robin M. Mills is an oil industry professional with a background in both geology and economics. Currently, he is Petroleum Economics Manager for the Emirates National Oil Company in Dubai. Previously, he worked for Shell. Mills, who speaks Farsi and Arabic, is a member of the International Association for Energy Economics and Association of International Petroleum Negotiators. He holds a Master's Degree in Geological Sciences from Cambridge University.
Most helpful customer reviews
9 of 18 people found the following review helpful.
Peaker, save yourself!
By T. Umrath
I confess, I'm a recovered peak oiler. I discovered the peakers in 2002 and was rapidly drawn into their apocalyptic world of gloom and disaster. Soon after indoctrination, I felt the euphoric rush that comes with being part of a group that has access to "secret" information all the other morons out there are blissfully ignorant of. Like most peakers, I enjoyed giving self-righteous lectures about the collapse of modern society to my SUV-driving friends. Eventually though, the inflexible peak oil religious doctrine started to bother me. Like other doomsayers, they appeared to cherry pick any data that supported their cause, while completely ignoring any information that suggested otherwise. New oil and gas discoveries were decried as "meaningless". Any new production technology was bashed with the opinion "it'll never work". Reserves estimates were part of "an international government and industry conspiracy". Those who publicly disagreed with their views, I observed, where ridiculed and dismissed as intellectual midgets and "flat earthers". After a while, all that zealotry and hypocrisy got to me, and I vowed to read every scrap of information I could find on energy, not just what was first sanctioned by the high priests of the peak oil church. It took me a while, but I kept an open mind, educated myself, and at last broke free of the cult. The Myth of the Oil Crisis does a very nice job in summarizing the holes in the peakers'dogma - If it had been available a few years ago, my de-programming would have taken place much sooner. If your hopes for the future are being held hostage by worries about running out of oil, I suggest that you start your detox program with this book. Give it a try. You just might change your mind about buying that assault rifle and cabin in the Idaho mountains.
14 of 19 people found the following review helpful.
If This Is the Best Evidence Against Peak Oil...
By F.K. Juliano
...then the world really is in trouble. In this book the author makes a pathetically weak case against an imminent peak in oil production. In order to build this edifice of straw, he uses all manner of untruths, half-truths and irrelevances that, though they may persuade the ill-informed and the hopelessly optimistic, do not begin to dent the very strong case Peak Oil proponents have made. Robin Mills rather reminds one of a slick defense attorney trying to create reasonable doubt in jurors' minds while defending someone whose guilt is patent. For instance, he claims horizontal drilling and other techniques, by increasing production in existing oil fields, will avert production decline in those fields. The fact is that, despite any number of technological advances in oil production, production in existing fields is declining at a rapid rate, around 4% yearly according to the rosiest estimates, but in reality much faster. What this means is that by 2030, the world will have to discover and develop the oil equivalent of four Saudi Arabias just to keep up current production, let alone allow for greater consumption in many parts of the world. As far as Robin Mills is concerned, however, that is not a problem because he prophesies a "breakthrough" in electrical car technology that will curtail demand for oil in any case. Those new electrical cars will then be powered by some unspecified source, whichever one "happens to be most convenient". Perhaps that will turn out to be wind from the beating of angels' wings.
In short, the author simply fails utterly in countering the hard facts and iron-clad numbers that make Peak Oil a mathematical certainty. Peak Oil could have been greatly mitigated, especially, if an earnest effort, a Manhattan Project of alternative energy, if you will, had begun a couple of decades ago. Maybe, if such a project were started today, it might still do some good. What is certain, however, is that Peak Oil cannot be wished away or buried under the mountain of b.s. that this book is.
54 of 63 people found the following review helpful.
Straw Man
The author of this book and his followers on this website have constructed a "straw man" out of the peak oil argument. In so doing, they have misrepresented the entire debate by essentially equating "peak oil" with "running out of oil." Peak oil refers to the point in time when the world reaches the maximum rate of oil production. This can happen even when a large amount of oil (both conventional and non-conventional) still remains in the ground.
For example, the peak of U.S. oil production occurred in the 1970s even though there were still large oil fields in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico and elsewhere in the U.S. that had not been produced or discovered. Likewise, world oil production can peak even though there is still a large amount of oil (and tar sands, oil shales, coal, natural gas, biofuels, etc) remaining. The danger is we may not be able to produce these remaining resources as rapidly or economically as conventional crude oil, in which case peak oil would occur. This, in turn, could lead to an end of economic growth as we have known it, as economic growth has always gone hand in hand with ever increasing energy consumption. I hope that does not happen. However, this book provides no comfort because it only deals with a distorted and simplistic version of the peak oil debate and fails to confront real issues.
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