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Stand Your Ground: Building Honorable Leaders the West Point Way, by Evan H. Offstein

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West Point is the ideal laboratory for studying the dynamics of character, honor, and leadership: first, it operates a comprehensive honor education and enforcement program that has been subjected to rigorous Congressional scrutiny; second, it builds all of its academic, athletic, and military programs on this bedrock of honor. As a result, West Point invests heavily in mentoring, training, and evaluation to ensure the leadership and character development of its 4,000 cadets. From Civil War General Robert E. Lee to astronaut Edwin E. Buzz Aldrin to basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski, West Point has groomed leaders whose contributions far exceed the successful management of their immediate charges. By illuminating the principles by which West Point teaches leadership, Stand Your Ground not only provides a unique tour behind the scenes at this revered institution, but, more generally, imparts lessons of honor and character-building that can be adopted by any aspiring leader.
Management professor and West Point graduate Evan Offstein approached leaders at the U.S. Military Academy and the Department of the Army with two primary questions: (1) How does West Point develop its leaders?; (2) Can other individuals and organizations apply these methods effectively? Two years later, after conducting extensive on-site research at West Point and with business leaders in a variety of industries, he offers unprecedented access to the process of leadership development at West Point, and practical insights that can, indeed, be applied in any type of organization that strives to operate on the principle of integrity.
- Sales Rank: #121003 in Books
- Published on: 2009-03-20
- Released on: 2009-03-20
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.25" h x .39" w x 6.14" l, .64 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 176 pages
"Drawing on research he conducted at the United States Military Academy at West Point and with business leaders in a variety of industries, Offstein gives access to the process of leadership development at West Point and offers insights that can be applied in any type of organization that strives to operate on the principle of integrity." - Reference & Research Book News
"[O]ne of the most relevant and applicable responses to recent leadership breakdowns at such places as Enron, WorldCom, Adelphia, and Abu Ghraib. . . . Stand Your Ground delivers a message that began with our founding fathers, but which has been silenced in the last several years. In Stand Your Ground, Offstein provides compelling evidence that true leadership is first built on honor and that future leadership lapses well chronicled in the recent episodes occurring at Enron, WorldCom, Adelphia, and GlobalCrossing, could never again occur if West Point's model of honorable leadership development is followed. Given the almost limitless amount of leadership books that offer hollow promises and which have accomplished little to improve our current state of leadership, Offstein's Stand Your Ground stands apart as one of the choice few books capable of transforming leaders at all levels and across organizations." - PR Newswire US
"This book is an excellent description of what an honorable leader should look like and how to get there. . . . It is recommended for any one who hopes to be an honorable leader, not one who looks only at the bottom line and is filled with greed." - Catholic Library World
"Debacles like Enron and WorldCom might not have occurred if senior leadership had followed Evan Offstein's premise of honorable leadership in Stand Your Ground. Indeed, leaders of all ranks in all settings can set themselves apart by following the principles outlined in his book. Drawing heavily on his West Point experiences and insights, the author points the way to the potential to transform not only the way we lead, but the way we live." (Richard Thornburgh
Government Affairs Advisor
Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Nicholson Graham LLP
Former U.S. Attorney General and Governor of Pennsylvania)
"In today's society ethics in leadership is a daily topic. Stand Your Ground consists of real-life examples of how ethics and honor in decision-making and communication have led to leadership success. I encourage anyone in a leadership position to read this book." (Frank Beamer
Head Football Coach, Virginia Tech)
"This book is plainly written and inspirational. It's full of new insights into leadership that come alive through analogies, anecdotes and metaphors--all useful to evaluating your own leadership. Making Stand Your Ground required reading at our nation's leading business schools would help eliminate Enrons from our future." (Rick Stafford
Distinguished Service Professor of Public Policy
Heinz School, Carnegie Mellon University)
"This book gives new meaning to the military axiom that successful leaders must hold the high ground; it convincingly shows both the 'how' and 'why' to the thesis that honor is the key to taking and holding the high ground in every leadership challenge." (Jerrold P Allen Major General
USAF (Retired) and Commandant
Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets)
"The idea of quantifying honorable leadership is a powerful concept--especially for today's business leaders. Evan Offstein does not promote the usual quick fixes, but skillfully and intellectually describes the foundation and the building blocks of exceptional leadership." (Robert J. Maricich
President and CEO, Century Furniture Industries)
"Every university or college hopes its graduates will become leaders within their chosen fields and their communities and, possibly, beyond. However, leadership development is not often a systematic prescribed part of the curriculum. Stand Your Ground is a compelling case for how one of the nation's leading academies has embedded leadership development into its educational fiber. Evan Offstein has provided for our students and the rest of us a pragmatic description of the West Point formula. Here are the essential lessons for everyone who aspires to be a true, ethical, honorable leader." (Robert M. Smith
President, Slippery Rock University)
"A must-read for anyone searching for the missing element in leadership today. Evan Offstein accentuates the true essence of successful leadership for any era." (Jeff Leischner
President and CEO, Thomas & Howard Company, Inc.)
"Stand Your Ground is essential reading not only for every Cadet and their parents but for prospective new Cadets." (John W. Gould
Owner, dlegal.com
President, Western Pennsylvania West Point Parents Club)
"Stand Your Ground is an impressive and well-reasoned book that should be required reading for MBA students, managers, and leaders at all levels. Evan Offstein offers compelling contemporary stories and sound research to provoke every leader to ask the question, 'Am I an honorable leader?' His unique experiences as a Cadet at West Point, decorated Army officer, successful business leader, and now noted academic professor enable him to weave together a rich argument for the conduct of business in accordance with the time-honored traditions of America's premier leadership institution." (Todd A. Uterstaedt
President and CEO, Baker & Daboll, LLC)
About the Author
Evan H. Offstein is Assistant Professor in the Department of Management at Frostburg State University. A graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and a former military intelligence officer, he also served as an Instructor in the Department of Management, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He is certified as a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR). He has published articles on leadership, management, and corporate competitiveness in such journals as Business Communication Quarterly, the Journal of Managerial Psychology, the Journal of Engineering and Technology Management and Human Resource Management Review.
Most helpful customer reviews
12 of 13 people found the following review helpful.
Challenging and inspiring
By Bill Pinches
In keeping with one of the themes of this book -- being big about small things -- I feel a need to be completely honest about four things: (1) Evan Offstein is a friend of mine, (2) if Evan Offstein hadn't been a friend of mine, I'm not sure I would have made it into the heart of the book, (3) if I hadn't made it into the heart of the book, I would not have had the opportunity of being deeply challenged about some tendencies in my own leadership style that probably needed to be challenged, and (4) if I hadn't had the opportunity of being deeply challenged, I wouldn't have grown. I did get into the heart of the book, I was deeply challenged . . . and I did grow.
There are two reasons why I almost didn't make it into the heart of the book. I found myself, first of all, struck by the degree to which Offstein sounds, at the beginning of the book, as if West Point is the greatest institution that has ever existed. Offstein is talking in this book about the importance of honor in leadership, and offers example after example of how West Point models and promotes a kind of honor that Offstein wants to commend to a wider world. In so doing, he sometimes sounds like a poster child for West Point, such as when (in the first chapter) he describes West Point as standing both geographically and methaphorically "on high ground." I came to learn, later on in the book, about the ethical standards at West Point, about the West Point Code of Honor, about the "Spirit of the Code," and about West Point's "Three Rules of Thumb" -- all of which illustrate the picture of the "high ground" that Offstein paints in the first chapter. In the heart of the book, he offers example after example of how these values are put into actual practice at West Point, in some truly impressive ways. But when I read the first chapter, and heard about this metaphorical "high ground" that West Point sits on, I wasn't convinced. I became convinced later on.
The second reason why I almost didn't make it into the heart of the book was because I also found myself struck by Offstein's fairly critical comments about leadership books, seminars, and pundits. Offstein suggests, for example, that the pundits "are emphasizing motivation rather than morals" and "communication rather than conscience" and "influencing others instead of integrity." He also states that "most leadership books propose quick fixes to serious and complex problems." I haven't canvassed the literature the way Offstein has (he has canvassed over 140 leadership books published over the last 20 years!), but the handful of leadership books I have found myself reading and wanting to digest don't fall into those categories. (Maybe that's because I just happen to be reading the good ones!) The tone of these comments sounded a tad on the arrogant side, as if Offstein was saying, "all those other books are wrong, and I'm right." I found that off-putting.
So by the time I had finished the introduction and the first chapter, I was feeling somewhat skeptical -- despite some tantalizing hints of good things to come. But then -- somewhere around page 28 or 29 -- the book really started to come alive for me.
The heart of Offstein's book is a wholesale proposal for leaders to not only act with honor (and, I would add, integrity), but to be people of honor (and integrity) in every facet of their lives. Offstein boldly discusses the ways in which we (dishonorably) tend to rationalize less-than-honorable actions. He points to the West Point Code of Honor ("A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do") as the "backbone" of a character-building program that West Point promotes which is intended to create (and, apparently, succeeds in creating) leaders with honor. This, Offstein argues, is what is desperately missing in our contemporary culture: leaders with honor. Offstein utilizes a seemingly endless supply of examples and anecdotes to demonstrate how the "backbone" is fleshed out in a wide variety of situations. The results, I must say, are truly impressive.
Personally, I found the central chapters in the book to be deeply challenging. Offstein presses his points firmly and aggressively. If other readers are anything like me, they will find their own honor being tested (and, hopefully, refined) through the process of reading this book. There came a point at which Offstein's comments struck home. Instead of thinking about leadership in general, I found myself suddenly thinking about me. I found myself wondering about specific behavior practices that I engage in, both consciously and unconsciously. I found myself wondering to what degree I truly seek the high ground to the extent that I could. I discovered, in the process, that I have a ways to go in my own efforts to lead with integrity.
Offstein writes in the preface about what a humbling experience it was to write this book. "In the writing of this book," he says, "I was slowly becoming a subject matter expert in the field of honorable leadership while simultaneously coming to grips with my own limitations as a leader." He says, "there have been times, quite frankly, that I missed the mark, meaning that I've not always led from the high ground. . . . Very plainly, while I'm on the right track to reach the high ground, when I look in the mirror, I still realize that I've got a ways to go. The journey, as it is for many, is on-going." The beauty of Offstein's book is that it, itself, serves as a mirror for the reader who seeks to lead honorably. It provides something of a "measuring stick" by which the rest of us are invited (encouraged? forced?) to take a good, hard look at ourselves, and at the degree to which we actually lead with honor. This book did that for me -- and a clear result is a renewed commitment on my part to make a more diligent effort to secure the high ground.
Thank you, Evan. I needed this book. And I think the world does too.
6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Offstein Just Nails It
By Joshua Kennedy
Quite simply, Evan Offstein just nails his thesis: truly successful individuals, leaders, and their organizations are based on a deep reservoir of moral/ethical grounding that help them to make the right decisions every single day. His numerous, down-to-earth examples hammer it home from multiple angles, and you can't help but be convinced that he's on to something here. Dr. Offstein has a gift for writing prose that is personable and easy to read. It's as if he's talking straight to you through the pages of his book much the same way he might deliver a lecture at his university.
Perhaps my favorite lesson from his book is the chapter on lifelong preparations for a MOMENT (heck, multiple MOMENTS). It reminds me of what one Army General said one time: "Your integrity will be challenged in small ways every day." it has proven absolutely true over the years, and the daily struggle continues to make sure we do the right thing by our coworkers, our kids, our wives, our friends, etc. Those who can make the RIGHT ethical choices on a day-to-day basis will be slowly building the bedrock of their organizations to guard against the Enrons, Tycos, NCAA scandals, etc. of the world.
Most of the so-called "leadership" or "management" books you'll find wasting shelf-space at Barnes & Nobles or Book-a-Million wish they could lash onto some of the truths that Dr. Offstein lays out in his concise book. Highly recommended!
6 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
Finally--a leadership book that explains how to BE a good leader!
By Juan Colorado
I first approached this book with a bit of skepticism, as I thought its focus would be upon the "grandiose" merits of the West Point experience (which I shared elbow-to-elbow with the author, my classmate). I was greatly relieved to discover that this work is actually a testimonial to the necessity to BE a good person and leader, so important (and foreign) in a day and age where corrupt individuals realize incredible personal gains while simply paying lip service to such lofty ideals as honor. This book explains both the origin of corporate corruption and the way a leader SHOULD behave to ensure that this phenomenon does not continue to grow in scope.
I was happy to see that Dr. Evan Offstein was able to distance himself from our shared Cadet experiences and approach the book in an organized, thoughtful, and systematic fashion. He explains that good leadership begins with an honorable character and THEN extends into the leader's expertise and skill sets. I always struggled to quantify the almost intangible quality which caused me and my West Point classmates to react in horrified disbelief when we encountered corrupt individuals with an almost limitless propensity to harm and defraud employees and stakeholders. Evan has finally defined this lineament: honor, and the overwhelming need for an individual to BE a good person, rather than simply KNOW the "acceptable" or "expert" manner in which to proceed and to "DO" only what needs to be done to temporarily satisfy personal and shareholder demands.
The book is straightforward, easy to read, and informative without possessing an air of pretense or superior knowledge. I am firmly convinced that if leaders the world over would read this tome and apply its principles, corporate scandal would disappear, replaced by increased levels of profit, worker motivation, and customer/shareholder satisfaction. PLEASE READ THIS BOOK!!!!!
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