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Index to Translated Short Fiction

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During the past 10 years, the situation of women writers in Latin America has dramatically changed as has the interest the reading public has shown in their work. In the United States, the rise of women's studies programs has fostered a heightened awareness of literature written by women. Publishers have noted the growing significance of Latin American women writers and have responded by increasing the availability of the work of these women. Thus many anthologies now include English translations of Latin American short fiction written by women. The inclusion of Latin American short fiction in anthologies has made the work of these women more available to students, but the collections in which particular works appear are sometimes difficult to locate. This reference provides a full listing of these anthologies and the works contained in them.
The first part of the volume contains entries for 165 anthologies published between 1938 and 1996. The entries are arranged alphabetically by editor or author and each provides full bibliographic information and a list of all short stories and novel excerpts by Latin American women authors contained in the work. The nationality of each author is cited parenthetically. These entries are assigned alphanumeric codes, which are cross-referenced in the volume's other indexes. The additional indexes allow the user to locate short fiction by author, country, and title. The volume concludes with a list of bibliographies of Latin American literature in translation.
- Sales Rank: #15788894 in Books
- Published on: 1997-11-30
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.02" h x .38" w x 5.98" l, .72 pounds
- Binding: Hardcover
- 136 pages
"The present volume significantly aids reference librarians by locating short sotries, short fiction, and novel excerpts written by Latin American women in both Spanish and Portuguese and published in 165 anthologies issued between 1918 and 1996....its value extends to libraries of all sizes, while the anthology index will prove useful for collection evaluation and development."-Choice
?The present volume significantly aids reference librarians by locating short sotries, short fiction, and novel excerpts written by Latin American women in both Spanish and Portuguese and published in 165 anthologies issued between 1918 and 1996....its value extends to libraries of all sizes, while the anthology index will prove useful for collection evaluation and development.?-Choice
About the Author
KATHY S. LEONARD is Associate Professor of Spanish and Hispanic Linguistics at Iowa State University. She has published two anthologies of edited and translated short stories by Latin American women including Cruel Fictions, Cruel Realities: Short Stories by Latin American Women Writers (1997). Her work has appeared in such journals as Feminist Studies, Michigan Quarterly, and Critical Matrix: The Princeton Journal of Women, Gender, and Culture.
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